Tuesday, March 17, 2015

WEEK SEVEN. 2/22 - 2/28 identity in Christ

The weekend at Pahoa gave Autumn and I the rest we needed, and I think it just helped us to be so refreshed and ready for this SEVENTH week that was to come!

the coolest girl with the other coolest girl <3

This week was on identity in Christ.

The wonderful Jo Mutch was finally our speaker!  She knows what it means to live out in her true identity and she knows how to follow the Lord.  She founded our Engage school a couple of years ago, and now it's just such a blessing to hear from her.

She led us through a process of replacing the lies in our life with the truth of who God believes and made us to be.  We went through an interactive activity in which we nailed our lies to the cross, and in doing so, gave those lies to Jesus, so that he could fill us with truth.

we've got cool socks too
Jo laid out some of these truths for us...

1. We are loved by God
2. We were purchased at a steep price
3. We are justified and declared innocent
4. We are entitled to a clean conscience
5. Our sins are no longer a part of us
6. We have peace with God
7. We are clothed with the righteousness of Jesus
8. I am made NEW in Christ, born of God
9. We have become sons and daughters
10. We are seated with Christ, a position of authority

the view while
driving back to
base from Pahoa
During our team meeting this Monday we got to meet Juli, who has been in contact with our leaders for quite some time!  Juli has been to the Marshall Islands multiple times so we got to ask her a bunch of questions and just get a visual picture of what it's going to be like when we get there.  It made me so much more excited for what is to come, and so much more expectant for what God is going to do there in the Marshall Islands! 

Our team is going to the capitol of the Marshall Islands, Majuro.  Hopefully we'll get to visit some other islands in the area too, but our main focus will definitely be in Majuro, building relationships and spreading love with the people there.

playing RISK on a Sunday morning
Wednesday morning before class we have intercession, and this Wednesday morning we prayed for baby Judah, Ken and Anna's (Engage Staff) newborn baby.  He was having trouble breathing, there was fluid in his lungs.  I had never battled so hard while praying before.  It was pretty intense but I know that God's promise of Judah being a warrior and a fighter will be proven since his birth through this fight.  God is faithful through the fights.

cuties on the bus to Makapala
Friday was AWESOME because so much freedom was released into the room as our class discovered our true identities in Christ!  On that day, God let me know that he enjoys spending time with me too.  I've always enjoyed spending time with Him, and being in His presence, but to know he enjoys being in mine... it really makes a difference on how I spend my time with Him.

And on Friday, Autumn and I were invited to sing during the last hour of the Restorers DTS' Burn!  I had a great time (thanks to Matt for inviting us :)  and it was just super fun to take part in leading worshiping for that school.  I've really grown to enjoy singing praises and watching people worship from on stage(:

This weekend our school went on a retreat to Makapala.  Before dinner on Saturday we walked down to this cliff above the ocean.  It was so pretty and on the way there we saw horses and a whale too.  
Tommy, Autumn, and I in a volcanic hot spring!

I didn't expect much to happen during that weekend trip, but God poured so much more identity over me as I was there.  He let me know that he wanted to use my passion for art as a medium to bring more people to Him, and that he loves to see me draw and be creative.  He also let me know that he has SO much more planned for me, and I'm really only just scratching the surface of what's in store.  I'm pretty excited... and I don't think this journey is ending after I finish my DTS (:

besties at the cliff
I'm really starting to miss home and to be quite honest, school here is exhausting, emotionally, spiritually, and physically too.  So if you'd like to pray for me, please pray
for peace and that God would just remove any stress I'm dealing with.  Also pray for my team!  That we will be so expectant for what God is going to do in the Marshall Islands.  Pray we will be filled with faith that he will use us and that a movement would spread out in the Marshall Islands.

And always you can financially support me through my paypal!  Thanks to everyone who already has, every bit has helped me so much.

Blessings and love, Claudia

Lecture Funds: 4235.00 / 4235.00 !!!
MARSHALL ISLANDS Funds: 3131.00 / 5,300.00
Total Funded: $7,366.00

My Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/claudiasanborn
My Vine: https://vine.co/u/1118831502415835136 (I post little videos throughout the day :)
Our lectures: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/engage-dts-2015-podcast/id957501119?mt=2

Saturday, March 7, 2015

WEEK SIX. 2/15 - 2/21 relationships & biblical worldview

Week six, halfway through my classes, six more weeks until I'm in the Marshall Islands!

The speaker we were going to have this week broke his shin bone during a storm in Maui, so our school leaders quickly switched around our speakers and we were blessed to get to hear from Mel and Kumu the first two days of the week. 

jungle exploring with Autumn <3
They talked on relationships, which meant a lot coming from a lovely couple like them.  The world's view on relationships is so skewed, and unfortunately people have to struggle with those lies that the world has given about relationships.  They summed up three things we should look for in a spouse: that they're in love with Jesus, that they're your best friend, and that you find them attractive.  It was so uplifting to hear from them, and to know God has been protecting my heart throughout my life <3
bus stop waiting

The rest of the week was on biblical worldview.  Our class joined the Restorers DTS, and Danny Lehmann laid down how it is important to understand other worldviews so that we can understand where other people are coming from.  When you show that you want to understand another and their beliefs, you're showing that you care, and maybe then they'll ask you questions about your faith (:
we collected
the most trash
for community
outreach (:

Ministry Night this week was different because as we were there worshiping I got taken to a really dark place, where I just felt so horrible and just unloved.  I know that God loves me, but in that moment I didn't feel it, so I prayed over and over again "show me your love."
when you eat a cupcake.

Mel and Sena came over to pray for me, and as they prayed joy poured over me.  A smile lit up on my face, and I started getting tingles.  I fell backwards and then I just couldn't stop laughing!  It wasn't funny or anything, I was just really happy(:

God wanted me to feel His love, even more badly than I wanted to feel it.

Tuesday Night we watched the Finger of God, a documentary on how God is still doing miracles today.  It inspired me and it was pretty funny too. (:
Akaka Falls!

Later that night I had my prayer room set with Tim, Aria and Celina.  I think it might be my favorite part of the week now, which is funny because I've never really thought of myself as a singer but I do believe that often God brings out the unexpected in people.  I love to sing praises to Him, and it's just cool to see
us change the atmosphere of the room with worship.

This weekend was amazing because I got to visit my family in Pahoa!!!

I woke up super early and took the bus to Hilo with Autumn and Tommy.  As we slept in the bus, God let me know that he wanted this weekend to be a time of rest. 

We got to Hilo and walked around the town a bit and played Go-Fish in a aquarium.  Then we met up with the rest of the lovely Fritz family and went to Akaka falls and has a picnic at the zoo.  Once at their house in Pahoa, Autumn and I took a nap for about four hours haha.

We really needed the rest (:

I'm so blessed to have family here!  I felt so loved and at peace.  I didn't have to worry about anything while staying at their house, and I just got to enjoy family and pumpkin pie <3

I've only got FOUR MORE weeks until I got to the MARSHALL ISLANDS!  If it's in your heart to partner with me or to continue to support me please do!  You can donate through my paypal account or send me a check.  Once again thanks so much to all of my supporters, and as always I'd love to share a bit more of what's been happening if you'd like to hear from me(:

"Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:39

Lecture Funds: 4235.00 / 4235.00 !!!
MARSHALL ISLANDS Funds: 2631.00 / 5,300.00
Total Funded: $6,866.00

My Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/claudiasanborn
My Vine: https://vine.co/u/1118831502415835136 (I post little videos throughout the day :)
Our lectures: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/engage-dts-2015-podcast/id957501119?mt=2

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

WEEK FIVE. 2/8 - 2/14 freedom & love

Week five, I took a dive. (:

Brian Brent was our speaker this week and he was SO good.  We got a freedom manual, which Brian co-wrote, and through it we broke away from different areas in our life which held us back from full freedom. 

pineapple fried rice in a pineapple <3
When strongholds, areas in life where sin concentrates, develop, we need to break those strongholds.  They prevent us from being free with our Father.  We can break free from this sin by repenting, receiving, rebuking, and replacing.  Basically, recognize the sin, turn away from it, receive God's love and forgiveness, return to the place of authority by continuously separating yourself from that sin, and then replace all those lies in your life with the truth about who you are!  You are dearly loved. (:
I draw faces on napkins.

So in short, that's what I learned this week haha.

On Monday, my outreach team did original design for each other.  Original design is super cool because it shows what God was thinking as he created YOU and what His purpose and plan for your life is.  Basically, as a team we asked God what he put into another's life, and then we tell that person what we heard. 

When my team prayed over me they got that I was a fighter, always wanting more of God.  That I was a lighthouse, people we're attracted to my light and that it guided others in the right direction.  And that I noticed all people, even the ones who are usually overlooked.  Original design is so fun and encouraging, and it's just great to see how much love and thought God put into you as he created you!

Autumn, Sunset, and I
Ministry Night was cool because I feel like I've been holding back a bit from letting myself encounter the fullness of God, just since I don't really know what I'm getting myself into.  But then I had this revelation that he is PURELY LOVE.  I'm not afraid of love at all, and so I just let his love overwhelm me and I felt so much joy!  It was awesome (:

Throughout this week His love has become like a theme for me.  Lisa suggested that I read 1 John and now I can't stop reading it haha, I read it every day.  One of my favorite verses in it is 4:12 which says "No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us."  That verse has made God so much more real to me, to know that He is love and that I can see him through love every day!

Friday night we started our 24 HOUR burn, which means 24 hours of worship in the prayer room.  It started at 8 pm Friday and until 8 pm Saturday, someone was in the prayer room, playing music, worshiping the Lord.

I joined the security team with Kyle ;)
I had my own set with, Tim, Aria and Celine.  It was really cool because originally, Aria and Celine were just going to play while I sang along, but Tim just so happened to have the same set time as us.  So we got put together randomly, and it ended up being such a great time of worship.  Now we meet regularly, once a week.  Tim's a really good guitar player so he's helping Aria become a stronger leader.  Celine and I have fun singing spontaneously, whatever's on our hearts.  Worshiping with these guys has been such a blessing!
not really, but we'd make a
great team haha (:

In a Burn you dedicate a lot of time to the Lord, and you can't expect anything back.  Yet, of course, if you ask to encounter Him, he's going to reveal things to you, so I got a lot out of it(:

During the last two house of the Burn, we had corporate worship.  A world map was placed out on the prayer room floor.  I looked down at the map and I just saw of all of the love God has for these nations!  And then I saw everyone in the prayer room joined together, God smiling down at us, we were joined by His love.  I made that my prayer, that by the end of the night we would be joined together by His love. 

my dreads turned 6 MONTHS old on the tenth!
Then we prayed over our outreach teams and stood where our country, the Marshall Islands, was on the map.  It was a lot of fun.  First, we prayed for unity and then we were told to pray for LOVE! 

I was so excited because at the start of the week I had the revelation that God is love, and I had been reading 1 John all week, and then we close out praying for God's love to pour out, on us and on all of the nations.

With His love came so much joy.  As Matt was leading worship, he told us all to join arms... and so everyone was joined together through God's love, like the picture I had seen earlier!  Our Father loves so much.  I pray everyone experiences His love , even just the smallest bit.

If it's in your heart to partner with me or to continue to support me please do!  I only have 6 more weeks until I go on outreach to the MARSHALL ISLANDS!  You can donate through my paypal OR If you'd like to DIRECTLY donate to my account (not through paypal or checks) you can through this link HERE.

"We love because he first loved us." 1 John 4:19

Lecture Funds: 4235.00 /4235.00 !!!
MARSHALL ISLANDS Funds: 2031 / 4000-6000
Total Funded: $6,266.00

My Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/claudiasanborn
My Vine: https://vine.co/u/1118831502415835136 (I post little videos throughout the day :)
Our lectures: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/engage-dts-2015-podcast/id957501119?mt=2

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

WEEK FOUR. 2/1 - 2/7 our first corporate week

Hey everyone!

This week was corporate week, meaning that all the different DTS' had class together.  It was nice because we got to meet people from other schools, like Ships, or Fire and Fragrance.  We also had a different speaker every day of the week.  I've gotten used to the schedule here, so a little change was nice (:

Autumn was rooting for the
Seahawks (:
Backtrack to the weekend, Super bowl Sunday, Autumn and I went to a friend's place off base to watch it, but it turned out that the TV didn't even work so we "kinda" watched the superbowl on the computer.  It was more like a jam session/hangout.  Autumn and Steve played guitar and ukulele and I worked on a dread for Austin. (:

Those guys who live off base, Kris, Austin, Micah, and Steve, have a homeless ministry here in Kona.  On Monday nights, they have Feeding With Friends, where they just love on the homeless and feed them, and they go out to the streets about once a day (: The homeless community here in Kona is large and with that there's drug problems.  So many people go out into the world from this YWAM base, but these guys recognize the need for Jesus's light here in Kona.  I'm usually pretty busy, but I hope to go out with them sometime and get to know some of the people on the streets!

ready to learn haha

Monday night Ministry night, of course SOMETHING happened.  It's always so eventful!  Tonight they asked that we pray for healing over people.  A lot of people got healed from back and neck pains.  I walked over to Erika (Monika's sister)  and as I put my hand on her to pray, I immediately broke down in tears.  And later I prayed for Monika as well, and there's something about these sisters.  They're always falling when they encounter the Holy Spirit (:  So I was BEHIND Monika as she was falling, and I didn't know what I was doing so I kept holding her up... eventually I let her fall haha.  After the healings the prayer room just erupted in JOY.  People were laughing and smiling.  Monika fell a second time, and the smile on her face just looked like the epitome of joy.  It was so beautiful!  But yeah, that was like the best night ever.  It was just so much fun. 

On Wednesday, Danny Lehmann spoke and we took communion.  It was the first time taking communion since I've been here, which was nice because I've honestly missed it so much.  I used to take it every week at my home church (shout-out to evc <3 )

Me, Autumn, Yohan, and Ryan
Thursday, Darlene Cunningham spoke!  It was so cool to hear from a woman who lived out her life in complete obedience to God.  She talked about having an unoffendable heart, which doesn't mean that things don't bother you, but instead that you are quick to forgive, love, and bless the people who hurt you.  It was good to hear because I had been struggling with something someone had said, but God just confirmed that I needed to let it go to Him and forgive them!

Honestly, week four was difficult for me.  Corporate week made it hard to focus, I haven't been getting enough sleep, and a lot of things were going on that just made things hard.

With the weekend God brought peace and rest.  And just to let you guys know, week five was a lot better (:

Morgan braided my dreads(:
I'm still very much in need of funds so that I can buy my flight tickets to the Marshall Islands!  So if it's in your heart to partner with me or to continue to support me please do!  You can donate through my paypal OR If you'd like to DIRECTLY donate to my account (not through paypal or checks) you can through this link HERE.

Also, if you'd like to listen to my lectures and hear what I've been learning, feel free to listen to our podcast!


Thanks again to everyone who's keeping up with my journey and who's been supporting me! (:

Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. John 16:15

Lecture Funds: 4235.00 /4235.00 !!!
MARSHALL ISLANDS Funds: 1300 / 4000-6000
Total Funded: $5535.00

My Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/claudiasanborn
My Vine: https://vine.co/u/1118831502415835136 (I post little videos throughout the day :)
Our lectures: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/engage-dts-2015-podcast/id957501119?mt=2

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

WEEK THREE. 1/25 - 1/31 I'm going to the MARSHALL ISLANDS!

Week three, no biggie (:

Jeff Waalkes was our speaker this week.  He spoke on obedience to God, and how He called us to a life of adventurous obedience.  Some things I got from this week...
in a tree, happy as can be

"Hear me and obey" simple as that.

Pride = thinking of YOURSELF anyway other than how Jesus thinks of you. Too HIGH or too LOW.

Move from knowing about God, to knowing God

So WEDNESDAY, we go to workout Wednesday as usual, but this time we're meeting up at the soccer field, opposed to the regular Ohana Court workout.  We get up to the field and there's bowls of paint and rice on a table.  I get handed a paper with "Kayleigh-Red."  And then Lindsey, one of our school leaders, announced that we were, in fact, finding out our outreach locations!  At the "GO" we all run with little cups of paint.  I pour my red paint on Kayleigh and shortly after I get paint poured on me too.  RED PAINT.  I look around to see who's on my team.  I only see girls... 

Okay, so at first I was really freaked out about being on an all girl team.  I thought we would need guys to protect us and lead us...  I've always been somewhat sexist but I'm coming to understand that God has so much planned for women and he uses them in ways just as powerful and life changing as anyone else.  So I'm excited to be on an all-girl team, to see what we can really do through God.  My leaders are the beautiful Belinda and Lisa.  I honestly love all of the girls on my team.  I can't wait to get to know them better <3

But even more than an all girl team, I was worried about where my location was.  I had put New Zealand as my second choice, but I did NOT want to go there.  I felt like God had been assuring me the whole week that he would send me to the Marshall Islands.  After we met up with the all girl team, we had to eat through a bowl of rice, and find a flag at the bottom of the bowl.  I didn't know what country the flag was of... but I asked all the girls, and they each said Marshall Islands was their first choice!

Marshall Islands team! Me, Jenn, Lisa, Belinda, Linnea, Kayleigh, Hyehyun, and Victoria (from left to right) 
After a confirmation that we were in fact the Micronesia/Marshall Islands team, I broke down crying, tears of joy and relief.  God is so faithful!

Then Belinda and Lisa told us there was some news... instead of Micronesia we would be going to Fiji!  The old plan was to sail to Micronesia, but YWAM Ships lost a boat a little while back, so instead we would fly to Fiji.  BUT going to Fiji is also still only a possibility because we think it's important to spend all of our time in one location, so that we can build strong relationships with people and show them the consistency of God's love. <3

too happy (:
Something always happens on Friday during class.  It's like the whole week is just building up and preparing us for that point.  Jeff asked us, what is holding you back from hearing and obeying God?  He told us to get an object, which represented what we needed to give up. 

As I walked to my room, I thought, what should I give up? ...and somehow I just knew, my favorite pen.  05 MICRON pen.

One-by-one we all went up to the microphone.  When I went up, I was shaking.  And I said that my favorite pen, represented my IDENTITY, my FUTURE, my DREAM, that I had planned for myself.  I want to be an artist, a teacher, a mother, a wife, I want to live in a tiny house in Santa Monica... but I laid it all down for God, so that nothing would hold me back from the life he has PLANNED for me! 

My lovely team <3
After I gave up my pen, I got to take a little bouncy ball, which represented the consistency of God, his love and his faithfulness.  Then Belinda came up to me and let me know that God was proud of me for letting go, but he put those desires and passions in my heart for a reason and he wants to bless me with those things (:  Good vibes

Weird side note, a couple of days before Friday, I lost almost ALL of my pens.  All but one of my microns, my highlighters, and my writing pens... I was super bummed out about it.  I searched everywhere and I remember digging in my navy backpack, feeling the dust at the bottom of it.  A couple days after I gave up my 05 MICRON pen, I found them all in that navy blue backpack!  Super weird haha... 

So yeah!  I'm going to the MARSHALL ISLANDS!

Much thanks to everyone who has been supporting, praying, and reading my blog.  I love you all and can't wait to come back home and tell everyone what God has done. (:

Lecture Funds: 4235.00 /4235.00 !!!
Outreach Funds: 500 / 4000-6000
Total Funded: $4735.00

If you'd like to DIRECTLY donate to my account (not through paypal or checks) you can through this link HERE.

My Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/claudiasanborn
My Vine: https://vine.co/u/1118831502415835136 (I post little videos throughout the day :)

Monday, February 2, 2015

WEEK TWO. 1/18 - 1/24 hearing God's voice

playin' dutch blitz with Matt, Morgan, and Monika.
I've been here for two weeks. woot woot.

Our speaker this week was David Gava.   He started the first day with a normal lecture on what steps should be taken to hear God's voice, and then when class was about to end he asked if there was a Melissa in the room... at first I thought "who?" but Missy was sitting next to me.  David spoke over her, words from God, and it was really cool to see blessings being poured over her like that.  I KNEW he was going to speak over Autumn too.  It was so funny, we all had a feeling he would (:  Right when David 

was about to dismiss us to lunch he asked if there was an Autumn in the room.  He knew she was from Oklahoma.  He told her she would do great things through God. It was really cool and I'm so happy for Autumn!!!

Tuesday, Monika caught me a moth.  If ya'll didn't know moths are my favorite bug.  Just because I feel like most people look over them, and how beautiful they can be.  People notice the butterflies, but not the moths.  But God notices the moths, and he put a lot of work into making them the way they are <3  Our custodian, Matt, let us use his Mason jar, so I kept it in there for the day and let it go at night.

the moth we caught in (:
Wednesday. We had workout Wednesday that day.  Yeah so on Wednesdays we workout as a school, and it was so hardcore that day.  We did different 2 minute exercises at 8 different stations... by the end everyone was sweating like crazy, breathing real hard. AND THEY TOLD US WE HAD TO WORKOUT TO AN AB VIDEO... it was a funny 80s video but I honestly was so out of breath, I didn't even try haha (:

A couple sit ups into the video, it stopped working. It switched to an emergency broadcast screen... and it changed to a new video.  Our OUTREACH LOCATIONS!  I immediately starting crying happy tears as the names of the countries were displayed on the screen.  Micronesia, Philippines, New Zealand, Central Asia, Middle East...  They told us we had TEN minutes to ask the Lord where we should go, and hear his answers. 
so tired from the workout

I walked to a nice shady patch of grass, laid down and looked up at the sky and I said "Speak Lord, for your servant is listening."  I kept hearing Micronesia/Marshall Islands, so I put it down and immediately felt peace about the location.  I asked Him to speak again, and I heard New Zealand... my last choice for an outreach location... I thought, "maybe I should put down the Middle East, that's what Autumn's putting."  But I knew He had said New Zealand so I put it down anyway.  I asked Him once more, for my third location, and I heard one of the Middle East locations, put it down, without much thought. 

Autumn and I after a beach day (:
All throughout that week, I was struggling with the fact that I put down New Zealand.  I really didn't want to go there.  I felt like I heard God say "Don't worry.  I'll send you to the Marshall Islands."  But how could I be sure it was His Voice?!?!  And getting the Islands became a big deal for me, because if I didn't, does that mean I can't hear His voice at all?  Eh, I dunno, maybe it sounds silly but it was a big deal to me (:

The rest of the week was pretty stressful just because many people didn't feel at PEACE with the outreach locations they put down.  I struggled a lot with the bestie Autumn <3  Sometimes things just don't work out the right way, and I feel like we had the wrong focus on the outreach locations, but we came to realize after lots of praying and talking, that WHEREVER God sends us, it will be GOOD.  There are broken people everywhere, and I'm growing a heart for all of them.

Hearing the voice of God is different for everyone.  For me personally, I hear him in my thoughts, through creation, through symbolism, and through other people.  I know Autumn can often hear what He has to say through music lyrics, super cool.  I love how He is different for everyone; it makes the relationship so personal.  Yeah, it's pretty chill (: <3

Okay one last thing, Friday night we had a BURN.  From 8pm to 12am we were in the prayer room, worshiping, reading the Bible, using the time as we felt we needed to.  It's called a burn because our hearts are on fire, if you didn't catch that ;)

Autumn, Jana, Erika, Matt, Me,
 Graham, and Monika at panda express
I went through the whole four hours just feeling good, but close to the end I saw Sena, an Engage staff, go up to Autumn and pray for her.  And I just thought, I want God to use me as he uses her.  I want a strong relationship with Him... my thoughts reflected over our relationship and I asked him "may there never again be a dry season in my life."  May I always be with you, the FULLNESS of you.  I'm tired of this shallow relationship based on hype.  Then, Sena came up to ME, and told me God wants that.  He's reaching out His hand, and wants me to grab hold of EVERYTHING he has to offer, the fullness of Him.

I'm never letting go.

That Sunday, it rained for the first time.  I was sitting under a large tree, with some other people.  We were having a little jam session, super natural and raw.  As it rained we sang "come down, down, down, down."  The rain came down, and the fullness of Jesus came down on me as well. <3

Good stuff.
His word for me this week was peace.  When I put down Marshall Islands, I felt at peace.  When I accepted the fullness of him, I felt at peace.  Thanks for giving me peace<3

To everyone who actually reads this, thanks.  Shoot me a message, comment, or something because I'd love to hear from you all!  And just to let you all know my due date for $2,500 towards the outreach location is due on this Friday, the 6th.  If it's in your heart to support me, please do because I need the funds!

If you'd like to DIRECTLY donate to my account (not through paypal or checks) you can through this link HERE.

"For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you,
 Do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13
Lecture Funds: 4235.00 /4235.00 !!!
Outreach Funds: 100 / 4000-6000
Total Funded: $4335.00

My Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/claudiasanborn
My Vine: https://vine.co/u/1118831502415835136 (I post little videos throughout the day :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

WEEK ONE. 1/11 - 1/17 the nature and character of God

Hey everyone!

This first week has been super exciting and just enjoyable overall! (:

Autumn, Me, Jana on the way to the beach
Our speaker for this week was Derek Schoenhoff and he spoke on the nature and character of God.  The nature of God is his fundamental qualities, such as being omnipresent, all-knowing, things that we cannot attain.  But his characteristics are distinguishing traits that we can strive for, such as being loving, forgiving, uplifting, comforting, and a light to the world.

There was one point in which Derek was explaining how God wants to have a personal relationship with us.  He told us to close our eyes and imagine God asking to play with us, as a father would.  I started to imagine it but, I was feeling such strong emotions that I quickly pushed Him away.

everyone on base loves
the pizza my heart shirt
Later, Derek said "God is always there for us, but we are not always there for him." It hit me hard, but it encouraged me to encounter Jesus, the joy and peace that he has for me, in every moment.

Monday night was ministry night, a time we spent in the prayer room, just singing out praises to Him.  It was that night when He just filled me with true joy and happiness.  God was so faithful, and he set up everything so perfectly for me.   Maybe it sounds, cliché but he actually has a plan.  I'm so thankful to be learning and growing in Hawaii.  I've been blessed with wonderful friends here, and just a great environment to live in. 

twizzlers mustaches. no big deal (:
Tuesday we had family group, so everyone in our school, 47 students, got to share a little bit of their stories.  It was a good way to get to know a little bit more about everyone.  The staff shared their testimonies on Monday.  Hearing all their stories was great because each one was so different, and it helped the students relate to the staffers like, "Hey, that's kinda like my story..." or "I've felt that way too."  I dunno, it was just a nice thing to hear.  Shout out to the Engage staff.  I love them (:

Thursday and Friday we had our first WORK DUTY.  I got kitchen duty.  It's pretty fun, but so so so hot in the kitchen.  I enjoy serving people the most, but a lot of them don't speak English so it can be a little challenging at times... at least we can all communicate through smiles!

On Friday Derek talked about how importance forgiveness is to our hearts.  How forgiveness results in change and action.  We did this one exercise where we wrote down all the names of people who we felt that we needed to forgive.  And I found that the hardest person to forgive was myself.  In every situation where I needed to forgive someone, I was at fault to.  We went down to a bonfire and threw our papers into the fire.  I have done this kind of exercise many times before, but this time Bailey, a friend from my DTS, said that the hardest part for her was forgiving herself too, and she continued "but I don't need to forgive myself, because Jesus already has."  I let Jesus forgive me.  Shout out to Jesus.  Filling me with joy 24/7 <3

I feel like God has been giving me a word for every week, and this first week, I believe he gave me the word faithfulness.  In everything that he has done, he has showed me his faithfulness.  I didn't know that I was supposed to go to UofN, but I'm here now and it feels so right.  He honestly knows what's best for me, it's so cool.

I don't know exactly why I'm at UofN either, but I know I want to fall in love with my Father.  I'm excited to see what He has in store for our journey <3

sunset on the way to family time
Thanks again to everyone who's been supporting me!  I got to come to Kona completely funded for my lecture portion, thanks to all of the support.  As for outreach, I still need my funds.  My first deposit of $2,500 is due on Friday the 6th of February.  I could really use anyone's help if they have it in their heart to support me.

Also, feel free to check out my Etsy shop!   https://www.etsy.com/shop/claudiasanborn (:

For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.  Ephesians 2:10

Lecture Funds: 4235.00 /4235.00 !!!
Outreach Funds: 100 / 4000-6000
Total Funded: $4335.00